[:en]Following a two week pause, the University have been informed that industrial action will resume from the 15th March. Strike action is planned for:
- Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th and Friday 17th March.
- Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd March.
Please continue with your studies during this period and attend classes unless you are informed otherwise by your School.
While strike action on particular days may lead to the cancellation of specific lectures and other teaching activities, we will endeavour to make sure that you have the opportunity to catch up with your learning, or, in very few cases, that assessments are adapted to take account of the missed work. Where appropriate, students will not be assessed on material that has not been covered in the module.
For more details on industrial action at Swansea University please refer to our FAQs.
If you have any questions regarding this email that you feel cannot be answered in our FAQs, please email Student-IA@swansea.ac.uk.[:cy]Yn dilyn saib ers dwy wythnos, hysbyswyd y Brifysgol y bydd gweithredu diwydiannol yn ailddechrau o 15 Mawrth. Mae streiciau wedi’u trefnu ar gyfer:
- Dydd Mercher 15, Dydd Iau a dydd Gwener, 16 ac 17 Mawrth.
- Dydd Llun, dydd Mawrth a dydd Mercher, 20, 21 a 22 Mawrth.
Dylet ti barhau i astudio yn ystod y cyfnod hwn ac i fynychu dosbarthiadau oni bai y bydd dy Ysgol yn dy hysbysu di’n wahanol.
Er, efallai y bydd streiciau ar ddyddiau penodol yn arwain at ganslo darlithoedd penodol a gweithgareddau addysgu eraill, byddwn yn ceisio sicrhau eich bod chi’n cael cyfle i ddal i fyny ar eich gwaith neu, mewn rhai achosion, bod asesiadau’n cael eu haddasu i gymryd y gwaith a gollwyd i ystyriaeth. Lle y bo’n briodol, ni fydd myfyrwyr yn cael eu hasesu ar ddeunydd nad yw wedi cael ei addysgu yn y modiwl.
Cei di ragor o wybodaeth ar ein tudalen cwestiynau cyffredin pwrpasol.
Os oes gennyt unrhyw gwestiynau ynghylch yr e-bost na ellir eu hateb drwy ein cwestiynau cyffredin, a wnei di e-bostio Student-IA@abertawe.ac.uk.[:]