Send us a story

Submitting stories to the weekly Student Newsletter

Non-urgent topics and emails are sent out as a weekly news round up in the Student Newsletter.

The deadline for submitting a story to the Student Newsletter is 4pm every Friday.

Before submitting an article please be aware that:

  • Articles should appeal to a wide student audience across the University
  • Essential details are required including a title and a contact for further information
  • Copy must be submitted with Welsh translation
  • Any photographs submitted must have copyright granted
  • Please send any relevant images/graphics in the following dimensions:

1080px x 1080px (for social media)

1770px x 850px (for our online newsletter)

If you are unable to resize your image/graphic, please send the original file.

*please ensure all images/graphics are accessible and avoid using text wherever possible
*please note, we cannot use images/graphics in poster format

To submit a story or for any queries regarding the student newsletter please email

Events Calendar

If you would like us to advertise and promote an upcoming event for you, please send a brief bilingual introduction along with a title, time, date and any relevant booking information to

Use of the Student list: all student email guidelines

Do you have an important message that is relevant to the whole student body and may require an email to be sent to all students?

All student emails are kept to a minimum to reduce email overload. All staff are required to adhere to the guidelines to ensure effective communications practices are maintained.

Emailing all students

The student email list is the means of communicating essential university information. Items from the following categories may be sent directly to the list:

  • Official or formal communications (for example, term dates, availability of new services)
  • Urgent university environment or safety messages (for example, meningitis information, Estates announcements, personal safety advice from the police)

Additional topics as follows may not be sent directly to the list, however can be communicated via the weekly Student Newsletter:

  • Departmental or conference announcements (for example, research seminars, details of conferences)
  • Surveys
  • Cultural or sporting messages (for example, Sports Centre or Taliesin events)
  • Careers information
  • Student Services information
  • Campus events
  • Opportunities for participation or income (e.g. focus groups, requests for study participants)

The University reserves the right to withdraw use of the student e-mail list from any member of staff who does not adhere to the guidelines or uses it in an unacceptable manner. This will be determined by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and Chief Operating Officer.