Here at International@CampusLife we have a surprise for you happening this May!
Our trips and events are half price for the month of May as part of our Markdown May Campaign! Below are the events we have coming up:
- Thursday 2nd May GO! Social: Meet up Mixer – Big Pit and Abergavenny FREE
- Saturday 4th May GO! Trip: Big Pit & Abergavenny – Normally £10, now £5
- Tuesday 7th May GO! Eat: Pinatas – Normally £10, now £5
- Friday 10th May GO! Film: Shaun of the Dead FREE
- Monday 13th May GO! Social: Egypt Centre Tour FREE
- Monday 13th May GO! Social: Exam Breakfast FREE
- Wednesday 15th May GO! Social: Bowling Normally £6, now £3
- Monday 20th May GO! Social: Exam Breakfast FREE
- Wednesday 22nd May GO! Social: Coffee and Chat FREE
- Thursday 23rd May GO! Social: History of International Students FREE
- Friday 24th May GO! Film: Kung Fu Panda FREE
- Wednesday 29th May GO! Social: Coffee and Chat FREE
- Thursday 30th May GO! Social: Board Game Cafe Normally £3, now £1.50
Also, throughout May we are offering a free pot noodle/rice/pasta each day (except for the 6th and 27th due to these dates being bank holidays) – Monday and Fridays on Bay Campus in The Haven, and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays on Park Campus in CampusLife Reception. It’s first come first serve, between 12pm and 1pm. GO! Lunch: Markdown May!