Your welfare and wellbeing are our top priorities, and we want to support you through your time at Swansea University.   

We understand that university life can sometimes be challenging, if you do feel that you’d like some extra support whilst at Swansea, whether it’s related to personal, academic, or emotional concerns there are many different services and initiatives available to you.  

Here are just a few of the resources and services that you can access: 

    Emotional Support

    Our Wellbeing Service provides emotional support for all students. The team offers a range of guidance, advice, and therapeutic interventions for individuals and groups, including academic adjustments, counselling, and one-to-one mentoring. If you feel that you may need additional support, please complete our Support Request Form. 

    Sometimes it is just good to talk, there doesn’t always have to be any particular issue or problem. The Listening Service is available for students who need a friendly ear and is completely confidential. Email to book a phone, video or in-person appointment. 

    The University runs a group for students who may be suffering any kind of bereavement. The Bereavement support group meet on Wednesdays 3-4pm in Lighthouse. If you would like more information, please email 


    Welfare@CampusLife are a team that provides practical advice, support, and guidance to students as well as signposting to specialist support services. Take a look at their web pages which cover a wide range of welfare-related matters that may be impacting you.  

    Self-help resources

    Togetherall is a free digital mental health service, open to all students. Using your university email address, you can anonymously access support 24/7 with trained clinicians online, as well as a range of helpful tools and resources. It is a safe place to get things off your chest, have conversations, express yourself creatively, and learn how to manage your mental health. 

    We encourage all students to take a look at the self-help resources which offer advice and guidance on a range of welfare-related issues. 

    Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly staff in our support services if you need assistance or have any questions. 

    Take care of yourselves and remember that we’re here for you.