The following information is only for the attention of students who are sitting formal examinations during the August 2024 assessment period. If you are not sitting any formal examinations during this period, please disregard this information.

A personalised version of your August 2024 examination timetable is now available via the intranet. To view your timetable:

1. Head to your MyUni Account

2. Select the Intranet icon

3. Your examination timetable link should be present on your Student Record Profile (underneath your photograph)

Please check your timetable thoroughly to ensure that all the examinations you are due to sit have been scheduled.

All in-person assessment will be taking place on the Bay Campus.

If you are encountering any difficulties viewing your examination timetable or believe your timetable is incorrect, please contact the Exams Office as soon as possible. A member of the team will be able to assist you.


Bay Campus accommodation is available for students to book this Summer. Book here.

Extenuating Circumstances

  • If you are unable to take an assessment (deferred or supplementary) during the August supplementary period, you will not be able to defer the assessment.
  • Please note that it is still beneficial for you to inform your School/Faculty as a matter of urgency of your extenuating circumstances prior to or within 5 working days of each affected assessment or within the prescribed School/Faculty deadline as this information can be submitted to the September Exam Board.
  • Your School/Faculty will provide you with a declaration form to complete and return to them by the stipulated deadline.
  • You will not receive an immediate outcome on submitting a declaration form, a decision on your progression/award will be taken by the September Exam Board following consideration of your extenuating circumstances and in line with your overall academic performance.

Please note:

If you are going to declare extenuating circumstances against more than one examination/assessment, you must complete and return to your School/Faculty the declaration form within five working days or within the prescribed School/Faculty deadline of each affected alternative examination/assessment and not within five working days of the last affected alternative examination/assessment.

You may therefore have to complete more than one form if you have affected alternative examinations/assessments, which are more than five working days apart.Do not wait until you have supporting evidence before advising your School/Faculty of your extenuating circumstances.

The declaration form must be submitted prior to the alternative examination or within five working days of the alternative examination/within the prescribed School/Faculty deadline.

All students are required to familiarise themselves with the following instructions before sitting in person examinations:

  • You are required to bring proof of identity to all your examinations, your student ID card is preferred. However, other official and recognised photographic ID’s will be accepted. Your ID should be displayed on the desk throughout the examination. If you fail to bring proof of identity, your work may not be marked.

  • Candidates must not bring unauthorised materials, such as books, notes or any other aid into the examination venue unless specified on the rubric of the examination paper.

  • Any student wearing a head covering (including but not limited to crash helmet, woolly hat, religious head covering) will either be asked to remove it or will be asked to show that they are not concealing any earpieces/listening devices.

  • Any stationery a candidate brings into the examination venue must be carried in a clear and transparent pencil case or ‘poly pocket’ which can be checked on entry to the venue.

  • No mobile phones, smart watches or any other unauthorised electronic devices are allowed in the examination venues or any other accessible rooms, for example toilets. Unauthorised possession of a mobile phone or other unauthorised electronic devices will be reported to the University Academic Integrity Lead.

  • No food may be consumed in the examination venue.

  • Candidates are not allowed to communicate in any way with one another once they have entered the examination venue.

  • No candidate is allowed to enter the room after the examination has been in progress for 30 minutes, and no candidate may leave the room until the examination has been in progress for 45 minutes.

  • Candidates are not permitted to use their own calculators unless it is clearly stated on the rubric of the examination paper. University calculators will be provided at the venue when stated on the rubric.

  • English or foreign language dictionaries will not be allowed unless it is clearly stated on the rubric of the examination paper.  A supply of English and English/Welsh dictionaries will be available for candidates use when stated on the rubric.

  • Candidates should report any errors or queries on exam papers to the invigilator. Error and/or queries will not normally be answered during the examination but will be dealt with during the marking process.

  • Any candidate observed by an Invigilator causing a disturbance or acting in breach of a regulation e.g., communicating with another student, shall be warned in the first instance. Continued behaviour will result in removal from the venue and the incident will be reported to the University Academic Integrity Lead.

  • No candidate is to leave the examination room during the final 15 minutes of an examination. Movement during this period may cause disturbance to other candidates still in the examination room.

  • At the end of the examination, candidates are to remain seated in silence until all scripts have been collected and the Chief Invigilator announces that you may leave the venue.