SDG Curriculum Mapping is an SOS-UK supported curricula change programme. It brings staff and students from each school together to explore how their teaching and learning is equipping students with the skills to contribute to climate justice and a sustainable world. 

Firstly, students will be supported to map their module descriptors against the United Nations Sustainable Development goals and other sustainability criteria. Then, through workshops, networking and other SOS-UK support throughout the academic year, the programme helps staff and students to utilise the data to collaborate on changes to teaching and learning, preparing students to shape a better world.

Students will engage in mapping their modules against sustainability criteria between November – December with a total time commitment of about 5-8 hours.

Your participation in the programme involves a commitment to enhancing learning for sustainability throughout the year.

To get involved, complete this form by 9th October. We will invite applicants to our in person training session on 13th November, from 12-3pm!

For queries, please contact Katie Horsburgh or Beatrice Anomah.