[:en]As we move to increased in-person teaching, we would like to update you on your options for travelling to and from campus.
Over the course of the pandemic, there has been increased parking capacity at the University, due to significantly reduced numbers of staff and students coming to campus. During this time, it has not been necessary to enforce our normal parking arrangements.
However, as we start to return to a new normal, our pre-covid arrangements must resume and we would advise you to plan your journey with this in mind.
Car Parking
Parking is extremely limited, so we advise you not to bring your car to University. There is no parking on campus for students between the hours of 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday. If you do park on campus during these hours, you may be issued a parking charge notice. More information about our Car Parking Management Scheme and parking charge notices is available here. We also have our Security Services Team on site helping to manage the very limited staff parking facilities we have available.
If you are unable to walk, cycle or use public transport and driving is your only option, there is information on our webpages about parking. Information about car parks close to Singleton Campus is available here. For the Bay Campus, you can try the park and ride – it’s just £1 to park and £1 on the bus (the 9A which stops opposite the Bay Campus). More information is available here. We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you to be mindful of our neighbours and not to park in the residential areas around the Bay Campus.
Active Travel
In line with our Sustainability Strategy, we do encourage you to use active forms of travel to get to and from campus if you’re able. You can find information on our travel webpages, including details of how to get your free annual membership for Santander Cycles.
Public Transport and Bus Travel
For those who don’t live close enough to walk or cycle, we advise using public transport. The 8, 9 and 10 services are currently running as double deckers, and there will be increased capacity and standing room across all services from this Friday when restrictions limiting numbers on buses are lifted. Please rest assured that we are working closely with bus operators to resolve any early issues you may be experiencing as we transition back to being on campus. You can find guidance on the safety measures in place here.
We do advise you to plan your journey and allow plenty of time to get to campus in time for your lectures. We recommend you get the First Bus App, and there’s lots of information and advice about using public transport, including journey planning guidance from MyUniJourney on our webpages.
If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, our Sustainable Travel Officer is happy to help. You can chat to her via online chat or email –details available here.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we move to increased in person teaching on campus.
Estates & Facilities Management[:cy]Wrth i addysgu wyneb yn wyneb gynyddu, hoffem ni eich diweddaru am eich opsiynau wrth deithio i’r campws ac oddi yno.
Dros gyfnod y pandemig, mae mwy o leoedd parcio wedi bod ar y campws oherwydd bod niferoedd llawer yn llai o staff a myfyrwyr wedi bod ar y campws. Yn ystod yr amser hwn, ni fu angen gorfodi ein trefniadau parcio arferol.
Fodd bynnag, wrth i ni ddechrau dychwelyd i normal newydd, rhaid i’n trefniadau cyn Covid ailddechrau a byddem ni’n eich cynghori i gynllunio eich taith gyda hwn mewn cof.
Parcio Ceir
Mae nifer y lleoedd parcio yn gyfyngedig iawn felly rydym ni’n argymell i chi beidio â dod â’ch car i’r Brifysgol. Does dim parcio ar y campws i fyfyrwyr rhwng 8am a 4pm rhwng dydd Llun a dydd Gwener. Os byddwch chi’n parcio ar y campws yn ystod yr oriau hyn, gellir rhoi hysbysiad o dâl cosb parcio i chi. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ynglŷn â’n Cynllun Rheoli Parcio Ceir a hysbysiadau o dâl cosb ar gael yma. Hefyd, mae gennym Dîm Gwasanaethau Diogelwch ar y safle i reoli’r cyfleusterau parcio i staff cyfyngedig iawn sydd gennym.
Os nad ydych chi’n gallu cerdded, beicio na defnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus a gyrru yw eich unig opsiwn, mae gwybodaeth ar ein tudalennau gwe am barcio. Mae gwybodaeth am barcio ceir yn agos i Gampws Singleton ar gael yma. Ar gyfer Campws y Bae, gallwch roi cynnig ar y parcio a theithio – mae’n costio £1 yn unig i barcio a £1 i fynd ar y bws (sef y 9A sy’n aros gyferbyn â Champws y Bae). Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael yma. Hoffem achub ar y cyfle hwn i’ch atgoffa i fod yn ystyriol o’n cymdogion ac i beidio â pharcio yn yr ardaloedd preswyl o amgylch Campws y Bae.
Teithio Llesol
Yn unol â’n Strategaeth Gynaliadwyedd, rydym ni’n eich annog chi i ddefnyddio ffurfiau actif o deithio i’r campws ac oddi yno os oes modd. Gallwch gael gwybodaeth ar ein tudalennau gwe teithio, gan gynnwys manylion am sut i gael eich aelodaeth flynyddol am ddim ar gyfer Beiciau Santander.
Cludiant Cyhoeddus a Theithio ar y Bws
I bobl nad ydynt yn byw’n ddigon agos i gerdded neu feicio, rydym ni’n eich cynghori i ddefnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus. Ar hyn o bryd, mae gwasanaethau 8, 9 a 10 yn wasanaethau bysus deulawr a bydd mwy o seddi a lle i sefyll ar draws yr holl wasanaethau o’r dydd Gwener hwn pan fydd cyfyngiadau sy’n cyfyngu ar niferoedd ar fysus yn cael eu llacio. Rydym yn gweithio’n agos gyda gweithredwyr bysus i ddatrys unrhyw broblemau rydych yn eu hwynebu wrth i ni ddychwelyd i fod ar y campws Mae canllawiau ar y mesurau diogelwch sydd ar waith ar gael yma.
Rydym ni’n eich cynghori i gynllunio eich taith a gadael digon o amser i gyrraedd y campws mewn da bryd ar gyfer eich darlithoedd. Rydym ni’n argymell i chi gael yr Ap First Bus, ac mae llawer o wybodaeth a chyngor o ran defnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus, gan gynnwys cyngor ar gynllunio taith, ar gael ar MyUniJourney ar ein tudalennau gwe.
Os na allwch chi ddod o hyd i’r wybodaeth rydych chi’n chwilio amdani, bydd ein Swyddog Teithio Cynaliadwy yn hapus i helpu. Gallwch sgwrsio â hi drwy sgwrsio ar-lein neu e-bost – mae manylion ar gael yma.
Diolch am eich amynedd a’ch dealltwriaeth wrth i ni gynyddu addysgu wyneb yn wyneb ar y campws.
Ystadau a Rheoli Cyfleusterau [:]