[:en]Illustration of bus, calendar and paper and penWith exams upcoming the following travel information is aimed to help you arrive at your exams on time.
Be sure to plan well ahead and know your exam venue!
Please use the journey planner here (now including Brangwyn Hall and Swansea Bay Sports Park), or the First Bus app to plan well ahead.

If you are traveling by bus

You will be able to purchase student day tickets on all First Bus services across the whole of the City and County of Swansea for the full period of the exams (15th of May to 19th of June). This includes the 23, 20,20a 21a, 3a,2a X6 and includes the X1,X5,X7 and 38 to the Bay Campus.
To Bay Campus

  • From City Centre (Central Bus Station): Number 9, X1, X5, X7 and 38 from bays D to G
  • From Roost/True (bus stop opposite Roost): Number 8 and 10

To Singleton Campus, Swansea Bay Sports Park Sports Hall, Brangwyn Hall

  • From City Centre (Central Bus Station): Number 3a,2a,23, 9, 4 from Bays R, U, W, X
  • From Roost/True (bus stop opposite Roost): Number 8 and 10
  • From Hendrefoilan Student Village (HSV): The 8A service connects to Singleton Campus. Alternatively, the 23 service* opposite Olchfa Comprehensive School also connects to Singleton Campus (*AM only).

Exam Coaches

In anticipation of increased footfall and busy periods, additional coaches have been organised.
Please see South Wales Transport timetables below. On all other dates please use First Buses.
Exam Shuttle 1 (E1)- Bay Campus – Singleton Campus
Exam Shuttle 2 (E2)- True & St. Davids Accommodation – Singleton Campus
Exam Shuttle (E3)- Singleton Campus – Bay Campus

Fabian Way Park and Ride shuttle service to Bay Campus

For students driving to an exam on Bay Campus, we recommend using the Fabian Way Park and Ride shuttle service, being run by South Wales Transport.
Exam Park and Ride- Fabian Way Park and Ride – Bay Campus
A return day ticket costs just £1. This ticket includes secure parking at the Fabian Way site and the short shuttle bus service to Bay Campus. This offer is available for the exam period.

If you are cycling

Remember that Santander Cycles bikes are available at both Singleton and Bay Campuses as well as at other hubs across Swansea. You can view all locations and prices here.
In addition, free locks, lights, and puncture repair kits are available from MyUniHub receptions on both campuses, the Tower Bay Campus and Fulton House Reception Singleton Campus.[:cy]Illustration of bus, calendar and paper and penMae’r arholiadau ar ddod felly nod yr wybodaeth deithio ganlynol yw eich helpu chi i gyrraedd eich arholiadau yn brydlon.
Trefnwch o flaen llaw a gwybod ble mae lleoliad eich arholiad!
Defnyddiwch y cynlluniwr teithiau yma (sydd bellach yn cynnwys Neuadd Brangwyn a Pharc Chwaraeon Bae Abertawe), neu ap First Bus i gynllunio ymhell ymlaen llaw.  

Os byddwch chi’n teithio ar y bws

Gallwch chi brynu tocynnau dydd i fyfyrwyr ar gyfer POB gwasanaeth First Bus ar draws ardal gyfan Dinas a Sir Abertawe ar gyfer cyfnod llawn yr arholiadau (15 mai tan 19 Mehefin). Mae hyn yn cynnwys gwasanaethau bws 23, 20,20a 21a, 3a,2a X6 a gwasanaethau bws X1,X5,X7 a 38 i Gampws y Bae.
I Gampws y Bae

  • O Ganol y ddinas (Gorsaf Fysiau Ganolog): Gwasanaethau bws rhif 9, X1, X5, X7 a 38 o arhosfan D i G
  • O arhosfan Roost/True (y safle bws gyferbyn â Roost): Gwasanaeth bws rhif 8 a 10

I Gampws Parc Singleton, Parc Chwaraeon Bae Abertawe, Neuadd Brangwyn

  • O Ganol y ddinas (Gorsaf Fysiau Ganolog):Gwasanaethau bws rhif 3a,2a,23, 9, 4 o arhosfan R, U, W, X
  • O arhosfan Roost/True (y safle bws gyferbyn â Roost): Gwasanaeth bws rhif 8 a 10
  • O arhosfan HSV: Mae gwasanaeth bws rhif 8A yn cysylltu i fynd i Gampws Parc Singleton. Neu, mae gwasanaeth bws 23* sy’n gyferbyn ag Ysgol Gyfun Olchfa hefyd yn cysylltu i fynd i Gampws Parc Singleton (*Bore yn unig).

Bysiau arholiadau

Oherwydd disgwylir lefelau uwch o alw a chyfnodau prysur, mae bysiau ychwanegol wedi cael eu trefnu.
Gweler amserlenni Trafnidiaeth De Cymru isod. Ar gyfer pob dyddiad arall, defnyddiwch wasanaethau First Bus.
Gwennol Arholiad 1 (E1): Campws y Bae – Campws Singleton
Gwennol Arholiad 2 (E2): Llety gwir a Llety Dewi Sant – Campws Singleton
Gwennol Arholiad (E3): Campws Singleton – Campws Bae

Gwasanaeth bws Parcio a Theithio Ffordd Fabian i Gampws y Bae

Ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy’n dymuno gyrru i arholiad ar Gampws y Bae, argymhellwn ddefnyddio gwasanaeth bws Parcio a Theithio Ffordd Fabian.
Parcio a Theithio arholiadau: Parcio a Theithio Ffordd Fabian – Campws y Bae
Mae tocyn diwrnod dwyffordd yn costio £1 yn unig.  Mae’r tocyn hwn yn cynnwys parcio diogel ar safle Ffordd Fabian a’r gwasanaeth bws byr i Gampws y Bae. Mae’r cynnig hwn ar gael ar gyfer y cyfnod arholiadau.

Os byddwch chi’n seiclo

Cofiwch fod beiciau Santander ar gael ar Gampws Parc Singleton a Champws y Bae yn ogystal â hybiau eraill ar draws Abertawe. Gallwch chi weld y lleoliadau a’r prisoedd yma
Yn ogystal, mae cloeon, goleuadau a chitiau atgyweirio pynjars ar gael o dderbynfeydd My Uni Hubar y ddau gampws, Y Tŵr ar Gampws y Bae a derbynfa Tŷ Fulton ar gampws Parc Singleton.[:]