You might be aware that Fulton House has received a number of fantastic upgrades over the summer. The first floor has been transformed into a dynamic and inclusive social space where students, staff and the rest of our University community can get together to eat, socialise, study and unwind.
Although we have made good progress upgrading the building over the summer, work to improve the building is set to continue over the coming weeks and months. Whilst these upgrades continue to be delivered, noise levels will likely increase, including during teaching sessions. You may also find that your usual routes and access around the building will be temporarily altered. Signage and wayfinding assistance will be in place to help you. If you have teaching scheduled in Fulton House, please give yourself additional time to get familiar with the temporary routes.
If you have mobility considerations and use accessible routes in Fulton House, your usual routes to Lectures Room B & C will be temporarily altered. Students with mobility considerations will be required to:
- Pass through Lecture Room A to get to Lecture Room B (when entering and exiting the room)
- Pass through both Lecture Room A & B to get to Lecture Room C (when entering and exiting the room)
This access route is only applicable to students who have mobility considerations and use accessible routes. Students without these considerations will be able to access all lecture rooms via other signposted routes.
When passing through Lecture Rooms A & B, please be aware that other teaching sessions may be in progress. Staff based in these rooms are aware of the access requirements and will welcome and encourage you through. Please continue to be respectful to staff and students and keep noise to a minimum.
We would like to take this opportunity to encourage any students with mobility considerations to contact the Disability Office (should you consider it appropriate). The friendly team can help in many ways and provide you with all the information, adjustments and support you need.
If you envisage or encounter any issues, please contact your Faculty Support Team as soon as possible.
We hope you will enjoy and utilise the new upgrades to an iconic building, and we thank you for your patience and cooperation while we continue to enhance your student experience.