Preparing yourself to study at university can be a daunting prospect. If you want to know more about what your next step will entail, the Centre for Academic Success is running a Welcome to Uni workshop to help you find out more about what to expect, and to talk you through some tips for approaching your learning.
As well as evidence-based approaches to maximising study time and processes, it will also include perspectives from students and different departments across the institution.
Students are invited to this online event which will run on Zoom from 10am – 2pm
Time and Date: Wednesday 18th September. 10:00 –2:00
Session Outline:
10:00 – 10:45 – Introduction
10.45 – 11.45 – Study Hacks: Tips for getting the most from your learning at uni
11.45 – 12.00 – Break
12.15 – 1.15 – Student panel discussion
1:15 – 2:00 – Introduction to Support Services
Sign up today by entering your email address here. (You will be sent a link to join the session via Zoom closer to the time)
Can i get this session so that i can watch it later as I can’t attend at this time now
Hello Krishna, we can check if the sessions are recorded and will get back to you on this thread. However, it’s worth noting that there is a wide variety of courses available and some will be repeated throughout the term!
Hello Krishna! The sessions are not recorded but they have a large range of workshops available from the 30th of September which are live to book now on the CAS homepage, that can support students with their studies. The team also offer 30 minute one-to-one appointments, which can be can be booked by clicking on the following link: One-to-one support booking. They have taken the feedback onboard for the next lot of sessions which recording will be considered. Hope this helps! Thank you.