Welcome to the new academic year!

Welcome to the new academic year!

What’s new on campus? Over recent months and over the summer, we have been busy making improvements across our campuses, including the refurbishment of labs, introduction of a microwave room at Fulton and a brand-new canteen at St Davids Park, plus improvements...
Gear up for semester one!

Gear up for semester one!

Here in Swansea, we have accessible, smooth and level cycling paths that are a pleasure to use. Active Travel including cycling and walking are excellent ways to get about. We encourage University students and staff to make sustainable travel choices wherever...
University honoured for providing green space for all

University honoured for providing green space for all

We’ve done it again! Your university has secured the prestigious Green Flag Award which recognises excellence in grounds management and development.  The Green Flag Award scheme is the international mark of quality for parks and outdoor spaces and highlights the...
Support for students

Support for students

We are an inclusive and welcoming University, and we are committed to supporting the wellbeing of our students and staff. Did you know there are a range of support services available to anyone who may need it? Our Listening Service The Listening Service is run by our...
Have you downloaded the SafeZone app yet?

Have you downloaded the SafeZone app yet?

We strive to offer a safe and welcoming experience for students, but did you know there’s also an app which offers immediate access to on campus security and our team of qualified and experienced first responders? SafeZone lets you get help quickly in a personal...
Information and support for students sitting supplementary assessments

Information and support for students sitting supplementary assessments

Some of you will be sitting assessments in January and we would like to share this useful information with you to help you prepare and feel informed. Timetables A personalised version of your examination timetable is now available via the Intranet. Travel To help you...