If you’re eligible to vote in the general election, don’t lose your opportunity!

The deadline to register vote in the UK General Election is the 18th June. As a student your voice matters not only at university, but also in the wider community. Your vote can make a difference so find out if you’re eligible to vote in the 4th July election and make sure you’re registered! 

Countdown to the election








How do I register to vote?

You can register at your university and home address if you consider both to be a permanent home. It is important to know you can only vote once in each election.

The election is taking place on the 4th July, so make sure you pick the correct address to vote from!

Register to vote here

Can I vote?

You can register to vote if you’re a British or Irish citizen, a citizen of an EU country, or if you have permission to enter or stay in the UK. Some international students will also be able to vote in the General Election.

Check your eligibility to vote

Why should I vote?

Not only will you be helping to shape policies in the UK, elections also impact everything from tuition fees to housing policies and climate action, so by voting you can help influence issues affecting your education.

You will need ID to vote

For the first time, you will need photo ID to vote in the General Election. Some of the accepted forms of photo ID are:

  • UK passport or driving licence (including a provisional licence)
  • identity card bearing the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram (a PASS card)

For a full list of what is accepted please click here.

Don’t have ID?

  • If you’re in England, Scotland or Wales, you can apply for free voter ID now. The deadline is Wednesday 26th June at 5pm.
  • If you’re in Northern Ireland, you can apply for an electoral identity card. The deadline is Friday 21st June at 11:59pm.

Where can I vote?

If you haven’t registered for a postal or proxy vote, you will need to visit your local polling station.

Your polling station address should be printed on your polling card, which is delivered by post before an election.

If you don’t have a poll card, you need to contact your local council. Enter your postcode at this website and you can find your local station, or who to contact. 

Now all you need to do is cast your vote!