We are excited to announce significant improvements to your timetabling experience with us. Your education, experience and most importantly, your feedback has been at the heart of these improvements and has shaped the new direction of your improved timetabling experience.

Tell me about the benefits!

1. Earlier release of your timetable – Your timetable will now be released 10 weeks earlier (21st June). Enabling you to better plan your life outside of your studies more effectively.

2. Fewer changes – Whilst there will always be small updates to your timetable, our new approach will result in significantly fewer changes compared to previous years. More background information and insight on why your timetable can change will also be provided.

3. Better communications – We understand the uncertainty that a lack of communication causes, that’s why we are committing to increasing our timetabling communications, especially around the release of your timetable and timetable changes.

4. Sustainability – Education for our environment, by making the most efficient use of our teaching spaces we aim to reduce energy consumption/wastage in current spaces and reduce the need for construction of new spaces.

5. Active student feedback – We are actively listening and delivering on your student feedback. We encourage you to continue to provide feedback via your lecturers and student surveys.

And an extra one… One timetabling system – One, single, university wide timetabling system for all students, ensures a consistent student experience and allows for knowledge sharing amongst peers.

We hope these improvements will enrich your education, experience and accompanying student life with us. These improvements would not be made possible without your meaningful feedback, one small step for students can result in one giant leap for timetabling. We listen, understand and act – it really does make a positive difference.

If you want to continue seeing improvements being made, tell us by completing the Big Swansea Survey

We also understand how important it is to plan family, social and work commitments outside of your studies. These improvements will hopefully enable and empower you to do so.

Please contact your Faculty Information Teams for any further information, a friendly member of staff will be happy to assist you.